Secure L1 Ethereum Mainnet $ETF → Base Main Net $ETF Bridge

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WARNING: Follow these directions as closely as possible, or you could accidentally burn your $ETF. Secure ETF Bridge sholl not be responsible for any lost assets

Step 1. Connect wallet (above)

Step 2 Make sure you are connected to Ethereum L1 Mainnet

Step 3 Approve Base L1StandardBridge Contract 0x3154Cf16ccdb4C6d922629664174b904d80F2C35 for the full $ETF bridge amount. Please reference the official BASE contract addresses:

Make sure your approval amount is denominated in wei. Example: If you want to approve 10 shares of $ETF, input 10000000000000000000 into box 3b. If you want to approve your entire balance, input 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935 into box 3b.
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Step 4:

Bridge $ETH using the Base L1StandardBridge Contract

a) (0x7102653225D537e2FE703723ad83edFeb606396e)
b) (0x59e71de66744d1a176d0154b712161562dd03c35)
c) (Your address on Base)
d) (amount to send in wei)
e) (Gas to use to complete the transfer on the receiving side.)
f) (extra data)
If you are unsure what to put in the Step 4 inputs, please reference step 2 of the official Optimism Standard Bridge Docs:
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